We offer brow lamination services using the italian Inlei range, which is manufactured and approved in the EU. The lamination services takes up to 60 minutes and includes lamination, tint and shaping with wax or tweezers. The service can provide either a more natural look or a bolder look, depending on your preference.

Brow lamination makes the brow hairs easier to shape and makes your eyebrows look fuller. The service lasts in the hairs for around 3-6 weeks, and can be redone every 6-12 weeks depending on the growth pace of your eyebrows - we do not want to redo the service too quickly, as this can dry out and damage the brow hairs.

In the meantime, you can book for the Brow Lami Touch Up if you wish to refresh your color or keep your shape looking perfect! The Touch Up includes a tint, shaping with wax or tweezers and a 24h moisturizing brow oil at the end of the service.

Brow lamination without tint
Brow lamination with tint
Brow lamination without tint


Maintaining your new, insta-worthy brows at home is super easy:

  • Avoid getting your eyebrows wet for the first 24 hours of the appointment
  • Avoid saunas and other hot steams for 24-48 hours after the appointment
  • After the first 24 hours, you can wash your brows normally and even wear makeup if you wish!
  • It is recommended to use a nourishing brow serum in between treatments, opt for an oil free one such as the Finlash Lash & Brow Serum